Foreword by The Ministry of Home Affairs

It is with great pleasure that I welcome all the participants of the 1st ASEAN Regional Correctional Conference (ARCC) 2024 and congratulate the Malaysian Prisons Department for hosting this conference. I believe this conference will allow the participants to share new ideas on the correctional system of today and strengthen diplomatic ties between participating countries.

The chosen theme “Transforming Corrections” clearly defines its contemporary relevancy, since the criminal justice system around the world have undergone series of reform particularly on prison management and rehabilitation.

In Malaysia, self-improvement that emphasizes on spiritual and self-discipline is fundamental to the success of our prison rehabilitation program. The strengthening of the rehabilitation structure is an important aspect that would make rehabilitation programs inside and outside prison walls to be more successful. Effective rehabilitation programs including community corrections would also help prisoners live a more meaningful life after their release from prison.

By 2030 The Ministry of Home Affairs aims to enroll two thirds of the total eligible prisoners into rehabilitation programmes outside the prison wall. I believe the parole system, release on license, the Inmate Reintegration Centre, the Compulsory Attendance Centre, Community Correctional Centre, the Halfway Houses are showing encouraging results with recidivism rates below one percent. We are now looking into more community corrections such as probations programs to reduce not only recidivism but incarceration rates as well.

Finally, I would like to thank all participants for attending this conference. Also to British High Commissioner Office in Malaysia and British Embassy in Bangkok for being a co-organizer for this first ever conference.

I look forward to hearing new ideas emanating from this conference and to see further improvements in our correctional system.

Thank You


Minister of Home Minister

Foreword by The Secretary General Ministry of Home Affairs Malaysia

Assalamualaikum warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh and Greetings It is our deepest pleasure to host the gathering of delegations from all 9 invited countries and 4 International bodies headed by Chief Executive, Commissioner or Director General whom are responsible for corrections. This conference will be the first Asean Regional Conference Correctional (ARCC) event hosted by

Malaysia with the objective to strengthen the synergy among fellow countries in corrections. I believe this is the platform that contribute a wide range of ideas, creates regional networking and strengthen the cooperation among each other.

I sincerely hope this conference will offer fruitful insights on best practises in rehabilitation and reintegration of offenders, enhancing methods of rehabilitation and developing effectives tools to improves correctional management. In addition, ARCC is also a conducive platform for sharing ideas in magnifying effective training and motivation programmes to correctional staffs among us. I trust ARCC will be the impetus to enhance studies and research in concerning areas of corrections.

Last but not least, my heartiest congratulations to all participants and the persistent committee. Finally, I sincerely welcome all delegates to Langkawi, an island long dubbed as our ‘’historic island’’ and I hope that you will have the time to enjoy the scenic view, savour local delicacies and experience the unique cultural diversity in Langkawi and Malaysia in general during your stay.

Best wishes in the 1st Asean Regional Correctional Conference. (ARCC)

Thank You


Secretary General

Ministry of Home Affairs

Foreword by Commissioner General

Assalamulaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh and Salam Sejahtera With the grace of the Almighty, the first ever Asean Regional Correctional Conference (ARCC) 2024 will be hosted by Malaysia. On behalf of Malaysia Prison Department, I am highly honoured that we are hosted this prestigious event.

On this occasion I would like to congratulate all delegates from abroad and within the country for being here in Langkawi to participate in the conference from 21 - 23 January 2024. It is surely an opportunity for us to share the unique culture and diversity of Langkawi and hope it will provide you the best hospitality during your stay.

Cross border crimes jeopardies the image and the credibility of a nation and at the same time poses a great challenge to restore them. At the same time, managing prison and inmates becoming more challenging as it requires us to explore varieties of alternative programs that are relevant and towards humane to current times.

This conference also reflects the strong commitments in establishing regional cooperation in the rehabilitation of inmates and best practices in correctional institution. ARCC is a good and timely platform to share ideas, knowledge, information, latest technology and any other correctional information.

Finally, I would like to express my utmost gratitude and thanks to the Ministry of Home Affairs, delegates and all individuals who are involved in this conference and also to the British High Commissioner Office in Malaysia and British Embassy in Thailand for being a co-organizer for this conference.

Thank You


Commissioner General